Человек дождя на английском, Valery Leontiev - Текст песни Человек Дождя + перевод на Английский

Человек дождя на английском

Charlie : Sorry I even brought this up. Но у нас, к сожалению, фильм идёт не всегда с хорошей озвучкой. IMDb 8. He is answering a question from a half hour ago!

Charlie : Did you fart, Ray? Did you fucking fart? Raymond : Fart. Charlie : [ Trying unsuccessfully to open the door ] How can you stand that? Charlie : How can you stand it? Raymond : Ten minutes to Wapner. Charlie : Well taking your book is not a serious injury! Raymond : Serious injury book is a red book, that book is blue.

Lawyers are setting it up right now. Now you can help me or you can stand there and watch it happen. Doctor : Raymond, do you know what autistic is? Doctor : You know that word? Doctor : Are you autistic? Definitely not. Charlie : I gave you a fresh pair of mine to wear.

Where are they? Raymond : These are not boxer shorts. Mine are boxer shorts. These are Hanes Charlie : Underwear is underwear, Ray. Raymond : My boxer shorts have my name and it says Raymond. Raymond : I get my boxer shorts at K-Mart in Cincinnati. Raymond : Gotta get my boxer shorts at K-Mart.

Raymond : K-Mart! Charlie : You know what I think, Ray? I think this autism is a bunch of shit! Raymond : Boxer shorts. Ray is staring off into space ] Charlie : Raymond, what are you looking at? The ducks are over here. What are you looking at? Raymond : Lights out at eleven. Charlie : Yeah well new rules. Did they tell you about that?

Raymond : Never crashed. Melbourne, Australia in order to get the plane that flies to Los Angeles! I gotta make up some time. Raymond : Definitely watch TV but you have to be in bed at eleven.

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Lights out at eleven. Charlie : Forget it. Raymond : Uh oh, nineteen minutes to eleven. Raymond : [ after Charlie throws underwear out of car ] Uh oh. Underwear on the highway. Uh oh. Charlie : When did you drive? Raymond : I drove slow on the driveway when my dad came to Walbrook. Charlie : Was Dad in the car? Do you hear me? Raymond : Wet. Charlie : Hey Raymond, remember today when the doctor was asking you those questions? Charlie : What? Stop that for a second.

Raymond : I see it. Charlie : Raymond! Why do you always have to act like an idiot? Raymond : Yeah funny Rain Man, funny teeth. Funny teeth? Charlie : You? Charlie : Who took this picture? Raymond : D-A-D. Charlie : And you lived with us? Charlie : When did you leave? Raymond : January 12, Very snowy that day.

Charlie : Just after Mom died. Raymond : Yeah Mom died January 5, Charlie : You remember that day.

Человек дождя на английском

Was I there? Where was I? Raymond : You were in the window. You waved to me, "Bye bye Rain Man", "Bye bye. K-Mart sucks.

Человек дождя на английском

Sally Dibbs : Good Morning! Raymond : [ looks at her nametag ] Sally Dibbs, Dibbs Sally. Sally Dibbs : How did you know my phone number? Charlie : How did you know that? Raymond : You said read the telephone book last night. Dibbs Sally. Charlie : He, uh, remembers things. Little things sometimes.

Sally Dibbs : Very clever boys. Charlie : Tell him, Ray. Raymond : K-Mart sucks. Bruner : Oh, I see. Charlie : What you have to understand is, four days ago he was only my brother in name. And this morning we had pancakes. Charlie : You bet your butt. Raymond : Bet your butt. Charlie : This is a good one. I hope you appreciate this because my business is going down the fucking toilet.

I should be in L. Fucking mystifying.

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Raymond : 97X, bam! Charlie : Ray, enough already! Change the channel. Raymond : Maple syrup is supposed to be on the table before the pancakes. Charlie : How is that gonna be too late? Raymond : OW! Charlie : Stop acting like a fucking retard. Raymond : UH-OH! What the fuck is this? Are you fucking kidding me? Raymond : Number eighteen in , Charlie Babbitt squeezed and pulled and hurt my neck in Charlie : Squeezed and pulled and hurt your neck in ?

Charlie : Ray. Raymond : Yeah? Charlie : [ Presents a container of maple syrup ] Ta da. Raymond : Ha ha. Charlie Babbitt made a joke. Charlie : Well the rain is a lot like the shower, you get a little wet.

Человек дождя на английском

What do you say, Ray? What do you say? Raymond : Of course the shower is in the bathroom. Оставить отзыв. Размер файла не должен превышать 5 МБ. Разрешить смайлики в этом сообщении. С этим товаром покупают. Jekyll and Mr Hyde with MP3. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Персональные рекомендации. Не нашли нужную книгу? Напишите нам и мы найдем её для Вас! Загрузка формы обратной связи Книги для чтения. Фильмы и Сериалы. Все каналы.

Новости ТВ и шоу-бизнеса. Красные дорожки. Статьи про звезд. Сегодня родились. Все проекты. Мы в соцсетях. О компании. О проекте. О технологиях рекомендаций. Условия использования сервисов. Смотреть трейлер. Хочу посмотреть. Топ 8. IMDb 8. Награды : Оскар 8 Золотой глобус 4. Сюжет фильма «Человек дождя» : Эгоистичный молодой человек Чарли Бэббит неожиданно узнает, что его умерший отец-миллионер оставил наследство не ему, а его больному аутизмом брату Рэймонду, живущему в лечебнице для душевнобольных, о существовании которого Чарли даже не догадывался.

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