Rambha radha rani, Джотика Сараванан - знаменитости и звёзды шоу бизнеса

Rambha radha rani

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Admin Webmaster Сообщения : Очки : Страница 2 из 2. Похожие темы. Права доступа к этому форуму:. Вы не можете отвечать на сообщения. И пусть каждое из этих имен напомнит нам о прекрасном образе Шри Радхи и лилах. Спасибо сказали: stoned , Sangita , Manjuvak , Amryta. Ya , Yashomatinandan , Ия. Цитата Kalipremindi d. Имя Радхи дарует высшее счастье. Нет ни творения, ни разрушения, Ни судьбы, ни свободы воли, Ни пути, ни достижения. Это окончательная истина. Шри Рамана Махарши. Спасибо сказали: Kalindi d.

Спасибо сказали: stoned , Sangita , Ия. Лали - маленькая лялька, малышка. Гопали - пастушка. Спасибо сказали: Sergstone , Otrajenie.

Texts 1 and 2 Sri Parvati said: O lord of lords, O master of the universe, O master kind to your devotees, if you are kind to me, if you have mercy for me, then, O lord, please tell me all you have heard, the most secret of secrets in your effulgent heart. Texts 3 and 4 O lord of lords, the transcendental thousand names of Goddess Sri Radha-gopi, which inspire pure devotional service, and which you have never told anyone, please tell to me.

Why is the Goddess, who creates and destroys the universes, a gopi? Text 5 Lord Siva said: O goddess, O queen, please hear this auspicious and very wonderful truth, which destroys sins: For Her their are neither births nor material activities.

Text 6 When Lord Hari, out of a sense of duty, performs activities in the material world , she, desiring to be near Him, assumes many different forms.

Text 7 I have already explained why She is a gopi. O goddess, now please hear Her thousand names. Text 8 What I have never spoken in the Tantras and what they who yearn for liberation cherish, out of love for you, I will now speak. Text 9 Day and night this knowledge is as dear to me as life. O daughter of the mountain king, please hear and regularly chant these thousand names as far as you are able.

Narada is the sage of Her thousand holy names. Text 11 Radha, who grants the four goals of life, is said to be the Supreme Goddess. Her thousand names follow.

Text 11 om sri-radha radhika krsna- vallabha krsna-samyuta Om. She is charming hrdya. Text 15 vrndavana-vihari ca vikasita-mukhambuja gokulananda-kartri ca gokulananda-dayini She enjoys pastimes in Vrndavana vrndavana-vihari , Her face is a blossoming lotus vikasita-mukhambuja , and she brings happiness to Gokula gokulananda-kartri and gokulananda-dayini. Text 18 jaya-prada jaya jiva jivananda-pradayini nandanandana-patni ca vrsabhanu-suta siva She is the giver of victory jaya-prada and She is victory itself jaya.

Text 19 ganadhyaksa gavadhyaksa gavam gatir anuttama kancanabha hema-gatri kancanangada-dharini She is the leader of the gopis ganadhyaksa , the ruler of the cows gavadhyaksa and gavam gati , and without superior anuttama. She has a golden complexion kancanabha , Her limbs are golden hema-gatri , and She wears golden armlets kancanangada-dharini. Text 20 asoka sokorahita visoka soka-nasini gayatri vedamata ca vedatita vid-uttama She never laments asoka, sokorahita, and visoka , she ends lamentation soka-nasini.

She is the Gayatri mantra gayatri , the mother of the Vedas veda-mata , beyond the Vedas vedatita , and the wiseset philosopher vid-uttama. Text 21 niti-sastra-priya niti- gatir matir abhistada veda-priya veda-garbha veda-marga-pravardhini She is an eager student of the scriptures describing ethics niti-sastra-priya.

Text 22 veda-gamya veda-para vicitra-kanakojjvala tathojjvala-prada nitya tathaivojjvala-gatrika She is approached by Vedic study veda-gamya. She is the supreme goal described in the Vedas veda-para. She is splendid with wonderful golden ornaments vicitra-kanakojjvala , glorious ujjvala-prada , and eternal nitya , and Her limbs are filled with glory ujjvala-gatrika.

Text 24 janani janmasunya ca janma-mrtyu-jarapaha gatir gatimatam dhatri dhatranandapradayini She is the mother of all janani , without birth janma-sunya , the remover of birth, death, and old-age janma-mrtyu-jarapaha , the supreme goal of the aspiring devotees gatir gatimatam , the mother of all dhatri , and the giver of bliss to the Supreme Creator dhatrananda-pradayini.

Text 25 jagannatha-priya saila- vasini hema-sundari kisori kamala padma padma-hasta payoda-da She is dear to the Lord of the universes jagannatha-priya , She resides on a hill saila- vasini , is beautiful and golden hema-sundari , is youthful kisori , like a lotus flower kamala and padma , her hands are lotuses padma-hasta , and She is buxom payoda-da.

Text 27 vicitra-vasini citra- vasini citra-rupini nirguna su-kulina ca niskulina nirakula She is wonderfully fragrant vicitra-vasini and citra-vasini , wonderfully beautiful citra-rupini , free of the modes of material nature nirguna , born in a pious family su-kulina , not born in any family of the material world niskulina , and free from all distrees nirakula.

Text 28 gokulantara-geha ca yogananda-kari tatha venu-vadya venu-ratih venu-vadya-parayana Her home is in Gokula gokulantara-geha. She delights Lord Krsna when She meets Him yogananda-kari. She plays the flute venu-vadya , enjoys playing the flute venu-rati , and is fond of playing the flute venu-vadya-parayana.

She is gentle and noble saumya-rupa , born in an exalted family saumya-kulodvaha , charming moha and vimoha , and free from bewilderment amoha , and She gives the goal of life gati-nistha and gati-prada. Text 30 girbana-vandya girbana girbana-gana-sevita lalita ca visoka ca visakha citra-malini The demigods offer repsectful obeisances to Her girbana-vandya.

She is divine girbana , served by the demigods girbana-gana-sevita , playful and charming lalita , free from lamentation visoka , the star Visakha visakha , and decorated with wonderful garlands citra-malini.

Text 31 jitendriya suddha-sattva kulina kula-dipika dipa-priya dipa-datri vimala vimalodaka She has conquered Her senses jitendriya. She is situated in pure goodness suddha-sattva , born in a noble family kulina , the lamp illuminating Her family kula-dipika , fond of lamps dipa-priya , the giver of the lamp dipa-datri , pure vimala , and the sacred river vimalodaka. Text 32 kantara-vasini krsna krsnacandra-priya matih anuttara duhkha-hantri duhkha-kartri kulodvaha She lives in a forest kantara-vasini.

She is thoughtfulness mati , unsurpassed anuttara , the remover of sufferings duhkha-hantri , the creator of sufferings duhkha-kartri , and the noblest in Her family kulodvaha. Text 35 vedatita niralamba niralamba-gana-priya niralamba-janaih pujya niraloka nirasraya She is beyond the Vedas vedatita , liberated niralamba , dear to the liberated niralamba-gana-priya , worshiped by the liberated niralamba-janaih pujya , unseen by conditioned souls niraloka , and independent nirasraya.

Text 36 ekanga sarvaga sevya brahma-patni sarasvati rasa-priya rasa-gamya rasadhisthatr-devata She has one form ekanga. Text 37 rasika rasikananda svayam rasesvari para rasa-mandala-madhyastha rasa-mandala-sobhita She enjoys the transcendental mellows rasika and tastes the bliss of the transcendental mellows rasikananda. She is the queen of the rasa dance svayam rasesvari , transcendental para , the girl who stays in the middle of the rasa dance circle rasa-mandala-madhyastha , and the girl who beautifies the rasa dance circle rasa-mandala-sobhita.

Text 38 rasa-mandala-sevya ca rasa-krida manohara pundarikaksa-nilaya pundarikaksa-gehini She is served in the rasa dance circle rasa-mandala-sevya , and She enjoys the pastime of the rasa dance rasa-krida. She is beautiful manohara , Her dark eyes are lotus flowers pundarikaksa-nilaya , and She is the wife of lotus-eyed Krsna pundarikaksa-gehini.

Text 39 pundarikaksa-sevya ca pundarikaksa-vallabha sarva-jivesvari sarva- jiva-vandya parat para She is served by lotus-eyed Krsna pundarikaksa-sevya , dear to lotus-eyed Krsna pundarikaksa-vallabha , the queen of all living entities sarva-jivesvari , worshiped by all living entities sarva-jiva-vandya , and greater than the greatest parat para. Text 40 prakrtih sambhu-kanta ca sadasiva-manohara ksut pipasa daya nidra bhrantih srantih ksamakula She is the goddess of the material nature prakrti , and the beautiful wife of Lord Siva sambhu-kanta and sadasiva-manohara.

She is hunger ksut , thirst pipasa , mercy daya , sleep nidra , bewilderment bhranti , exhaustion sranti , and patience ksamakula. Text 41 vadhu-rupa gopa-patni bharati siddha-yogini satya-rupa nitya-rupa nityangi nitya-gehini She is a young girl vadhu-rupa , the wife of a gopa gopa-patni , the goddess of eloquence bharati , and perfect in the science of yoga siddha-yogini.

Text 42 sthana-datri tatha dhatri maha-laksmih svayam-prabha sindhu-kanya sthana-datri dvaraka-vasini tatha She gives Her devotees their homes sthana-datri. She is the mother dhatri , Goddess Maha-Laksmi maha-laksmi , self-effulgent svayam-prabha , the daughter of the milk ocean sindhu-kanya , and she who resides in Dvaraka dvaraka-vasini. Text 43 buddhih sthitih sthana-rupa sarva-karana-karana bhakti-priya bhakti-gamya bhaktananda-pradayini She is intelligence buddhi , steadiness sthiti and sthana-rupa , the cause of all causes sarva-karana-karana , fond of serving Lord Krsna bhakti-priya , approached by devotional service bhakti-gamya , and the giver of bliss to the devotees bhaktananda-pradayini.

Text 45 niramaya saumya-datri tatha madana-mohini ekanamsa siva ksema durga durgati-nasini She is free from all disease niramaya , the most gentle, kind, and generous saumya-datri , more charming than Kamadeva madana-mohini , one without a second eka and anamsa , the wife of Lord Siva siva and durga , happiness and auspiciousness personified ksema , and the person who destroys all calamities durgati-nasini.

Text 47 sadyo-mukti-prada devi veda-sara parat para himalaya-suta sarva parvati girija sati She is the person who quickly gives liberation sadyo-mukti-prada , the goddess devi , the essence of the Vedas veda-sara , greater than the greatest parat para , and Goddess Parvati himalaya-suta, sarva, parvati, girija, and sati. Text 50 sulaksmana mitravinda kalindi jahnu-kanyka paripurna purnatara tatha haimavati gatih She is Sulaksmana sulaksmana , Mitravinda mitravinda , Kalipremindi kalindi , Jahnavi jahnu-kanyka , most perfect paripurna and purnatara , Goddess Parvati haimavati , and the supreme goal of life gati.

Text 51 apurva brahma-rupa ca brahmanda-paripalini brahmanda-bhanda-madbyastha brahmanda-bhanda-rupini She is unprecedented apurva , spiritual brahma-rupa , the protectress of the universe brahmanda-paripalini , the goddess who enters the material universe brahmanda-bhanda-madbyastha , the goddess who Herself is the material universe brahmanda-bhanda-rupini.

Text 52 anda-rupanda-madhyastha tathanda-paripalini anda-bahyanda-samhartri siva-brahma-hari-priya She is the goddess who is the material universe anda-rupa , the goddess who has entered the material universe anda-madhyastha , the protectress of the material universe anda-paripalini , the goddess who is beyond the material universe anda-bahya , the destroyer of the material universe anda-samhartri , and she who is dear to Siva, Brahma, and Visnu siva-brahma-hari-priya.

Text 54 sveta-campaka-varnabha sasi-koti-sama-prabha malati-malya-bhusadhya malati-malya-dharini She is fair as a sveta campaka flower sveta-campaka-varnabha , splendid as millions of moons sasi-koti-sama-prabha , and decorated with jasmine garlands malati-malya-bhusadhya and malati-malya-dharini.

Text 55 krsna-stuta krsna-kanta vrndavana-vilasini tulasy-adhisthatr-devi samsararnava-para-da She is praised by Krsna krsna-stuta and loved by Krsna krsna-kanta. She enjoys pastimes in Vrndavana vrndavana-vilasini. She is Goddess Tulasi tulasy-adhisthatr-devi.

Rambha radha rani

She carries one to the farther shore of the ocean of birth and death samsararnava-para-da. Text 56 saradaharadambhoda yasoda gopa-nandini atita-gamana gauri paranugraha-karini She gives what is the best sarada. She gives food aharada. She gives water ambhoda.

She gives fame yasoda. Text 57 karunarnava-sampurna karunarnava-dharini madhavi madhava-mano- harini syama-vallabha She is a flooding ocean of mercy karunarnava-sampurna and karunarnava-dharini. Text 58 andhakara-bhaya-dhvasta mangalya mangala-prada sri-garbha sri-prada srisa sri-nivasacyutapriya She removes the fear of darkness andhakara-bhaya-dhvasta. She is auspicious mangalya , the giver of auspiciousness mangala-prada , the mother of all beauty sri-garbha , the giver of beauty sri-prada , the queen of beauty srisa , the abode of beauty sri-nivasa , and the beloved of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead acyutapriya.

Text 60 sri-nitamba sri-ganesa sri-svarupasrita srutih sri-kriya-rupini srila sri-krsna-bhajananvita She has beautiful hips sri-nitamba. She is the beautiful queen of the gopis sri-ganesa.

She is beautiful sri-svarupasrita and srila. She is the Vedas sruti and the activities of devotional service sri-kriya-rupini. She devotedly worships Sri Krsna sri-krsna-bhajananvita. Text 61 sri-radha srimati srestha srestha-rupa sruti-priya yogesa yoga-mata ca yogatita yuga-priya She worships Lord Krsna sri-radha.

Rambha radha rani

She is beautiful srimati. She is the best srestha and srestha-rupa. She is dear to the Vedas sruti-priya , the queen of yoga yogesa , the mother of yoga yoga-mata , beyond yoga yogatita , and dear to the two divine persons yuga-priya. Text 62 yoga-priya yoga-gamya yogini-gana-vandita java-kusuma-sankasa dadimi-kusumopama She is dear to yoga yoga-priya , approached by yoga yoga-gamya , worshiped by the yoginis yogini-gana-vandita , glorious as a rose java-kusuma-sankasa , and glorious as a pomegranate dad imi-kusumopama.

Text 63 nilambaradhara dhira dhairya-rupa-dhara dhritih ratna-simhasana-stha ca ratna-kundala-bhusita She wears blue garments nilambara-dhara. She is very sober and serious dhira and dhairya-rupa-dhara.

She is seriousness dhriti.

Govinda (multisoc.ru)

She sits on a jewel throne ratna-simhasana-stha and She is decorated with jewel earrings ratna-kundala-bhusita. Text 64 ratnalankara-samyukta ratna-malya-dhara para ratnendra-sara-haradhya ratna-mala-vibhusita She wears jewel ornaments ratnalankara-samyukta , a necklace of jewels ratna-malya-dhara and ratna-mala-vibhusita , and a necklace of the kings of jewels ratnendra-sara-haradhya. She is transcendental para. Text 65 indranila-mani-nyasta- pada-padma-subha sucih karttiki paurnamasi ca amavasya bhayapaha Her lotus feet are beautiful with sapphire ornaments indranila-mani-nyasta-pada-padma-subha and She is beautiful suci.

She is the month of Karttika karttiki , the full-moon day paurnamasi , the new-moon day amavasya , and the remover of fears bhayapaha.

Ek Rambha Ek Raav, Raav Rambha - Monalisa - Amitraj, Adarsh Shinde, Anandi Joshi, Kshitij Patwardhan

She is languid mahalasa , wise vedavati , saintly sadhvi , and devoted to Her Lord pati-vrata. She is Goddess Sita sita. Text 68 anna-purna sadananda- rupa kaivalya-sundari kaivalya-dayini srestha gopinatha-manohara She is Goddess Durga anna-purna. Her form is full of eternal bliss sadananda-rupa. She is passionate candi. She has the eyes of a beautiful heroine nayika-nayananvita. She is a beautiful heroine nayika. She is dear to the hero Krsna nayaka-prita. She delights the hero Krsna nayakananda-rupini.

Text 70 sesa sesavati sesa- rupini jagad-ambika gopala-palika maya jayanandaprada tatha She reclines on Lord Sesa sesa, sesavati, and sesa-rupini. Text 71 kumari yauvanananda yuvati gopa-sundari gopa-mata janaki ca janakananda-karini She is a young girl kumari and yuvati , filled with the bliss of youthfulness yauvanananda , a beautiful gopi gopa-sundari , the mother of the gopas gopa-mata , the daughter of King Janaka janaki , and the girl who gives bliss to King Janaka janakananda-karini.

Text 72 kailasa-vasini rambha vairagyakula-dipika kamala-kanta-grhini kamala kamalalaya She is the Goddess who resides on Mount Kailasa kailasa-vasini. She is the apsara Rambha rambha. She is a glowing lamp of renunciation vairagyakula-dipika. She is the goddess of fortune kamala and the abode where the goddess of fortune resides kamalalaya.

Text 73 trailokya-mata jagatam adhisthatri priyambika hara-kanta hara-rata harananda-pradayini She is the mother of the three worlds trailokya-mata , the predominating Deity of the universes jagatam adhisthatri , the beloved priya , the mother ambika , the beloved of Lord Siva hara-kanta and hara-rata , and She who gives bliss to Lord Siva harananda-pradayini.

Text 79 sankhaspada harer jaya jamatr-kula-vandita bakula bakulamoda- dharini yamuna jaya She has countless transcendental abodes sankhaspada. She is worshiped by Her in-laws jamatr-kula-vandita. She is beautiful as a bakula flower bakula and fragrant as a bakula flower bakulamoda-dharini. She is the Yamuna river yamuna and the goddess of victory jaya. Text 80 vijaya jaya-patni ca yamalarjuna-bhanjini vakresvari vakra-rupa vakra-viksana-viksita She is the goddess of victory vijaya , the wife of the Lord of victory jaya-patni , the beloved of He who broke the yamalarjuna trees yamalarjuna-bhanjini , the queen of the crooked and deceptive vakresvari , graceful vakra-rupa , and a girl expert at crooked glances vakra-viksana-viksita.

Text 81 aparajita jagannatha jagannathesvari yatih khecari khecara-suta khecaratva-pradayini She is unconquerable aparajita , the queen of the universes jagannatha , she who controls the king of the universes jagannathesvari , renounced yati , a goddess who lives in the celestial worlds khecari khecara-suta , and one who brings others to the celestial worlds khecaratva-pradayini. She is beautiful as millions of moons candra-koti-sugatri and Her moonlike face is very beautiful candranana-manohari.

Text 83 seva-sevya siva ksema tatha ksema-kari vadhuh yadavendra-vadhuh sevya siva-bhakta sivanvita She should be served with devotion seva-sevya.

Text 86 kali-kalmasa-bhanga ca kali-kalmasa-nasini kali-kalmasa-rupa ca nityananda-kari krpa She breaks and destroys the sins of Kalipremi-yuga kali-kalmasa-bhanga and kali-kalmasa-nasini.

She is expert at enjoying pastimes of quarreling with Lord Krsna kali-kalmasa-rupa. She brings Lord Krsna eternal bliss nityananda-kari. She is kindness personified krpa. Text 87 krpavati kulavati kailasacala-vasini vama-devi vama-bhaga govinda-priya-karini She is merciful krpavati , born in a very respectable and noble family kulavati , the goddess who resides on Mount Kailasa kailasacala-vasini , beautiful vama-devi and vama-bhaga , and she who delights Lord Govinda govinda-priya-karini.

Text 88 nagendra-kanya yogesi yogini yoga-rupini yoga-siddha siddha-rupa siddha-ksetra-nivasini She is the daughter of Nagaraja nagendra-kanya , the queen of yoga yogesi a performer of yoga yogini , yoga personified yoga-rupini , the perfection of yoga yoga-siddha , the perfection of yoga personified siddha-rupa , and she who resides in a sacred place siddha-ksetra-nivasini.

Text 89 ksetradhisthatr-rupa ca ksetratita kula-prada kesavananda-datri ca kesavananda-dayini She is the predominating Deity of sacred places ksetradhisthatr-rupa , beyond all places in this world ksetratita , born in a noble family kula-prada , and the giver of happiness to Lord Kesava kesavananda-datri and kesavananda-dayini. Text 91 gokulanvita-deha ca gokulatva-pradayini lavanga-namni narangi naranga-kula-mandana She stays in Gokula gokulanvita-deha , gives residence in Gokula to others gokulatva-pradayini , has a name beautiful as a a lavangha flower lavanga-namni , is amorous narangi , and is the transcendental decoration of amorous Krsna naranga-kula-mandana.

Text 92 ela-lavanga-karpura- mukha-vasa-mukhanvita mukhya mukhya-prada mukhya- rupa mukhya-nivasini She is anointed with ela, lavanga, karpura and many other fragrances ela-lavanga-karpura-mukha-vasa-mukhanvita , is the most exalted of young girls mukhya , gives the most valuable thing mukhya-prada , has the most beautiful form mukhya-rupa , and lives in the best abode mukhya-nivasini.

She is supremely merciful krpatita, karunamaya-karini, karunya, and karuna. She is the sacred place Gokarna gokarna , Karna karna , and Naga-karnika naga-karnika. Text 94 sarpini kaulini ksetra- vasini jagad-anvaya jatila kutila nila nilambaradhara subha She is graceful sarpini , born in a noble family kaulini , a resident of holy places ksetra-vasini , the mother of the universes jagad-anvaya , an ascetic jatila , crooked kutila , beauitful nila and subha , and dressed in blue garments nilambaradhara.

Text 95 nilambara-vidhatri ca nilakantha-priya tatha bhagini bhagini bhogya krsna-bhogya bhagesvari She is dressed in blue garments nilambara-vidhatri. Text 97 vibhavari vetravati sankata kutilalaka narayana-priya salila srkkani-parimohita She is amorous vibhavari. She holds a stick vetravati. She is slender sankata. Her hair is curly kutilalaka. She resides on a hill salila. With the movements of Her mouth She ecnhants Lord Krsna srkkani-parimohita.

Text 98 drk-pata-mohita pratar- asini navanitika navina nava-nari ca naranga-phala-sobhita With a glance She enchants Lord Krsna drk-pata-mohita. She eats breakfast early pratar-asini and churns butter navanitika. She is young navina nava-nari , and she is splendid as a naranga fruit ca naranga-phala-sobhita. Text 99 haimi hema-mukhi candra- mukhi sasi-su-sobhana ardha-candra-dhara candra- vallabha rohini tamih She is splendid as gold haimi. Her face is golden hema-mukhi. Her face is like the moon candra-mukhi.

She is beautiful as the moon sasi-su-sobhana , like a graceful half-moon ardha-candra-dhara , dear to moonlike Krsna candra-vallabha , a beautiful young girl rohini , and splendid as the night tami.

Text timingla-kulamoda- matsya-rupanga-harini karani sarva-bhutanam karyatita kisorini She became the beloved of Lord Matsya and delighted the timingilas timingla-kulamoda-matsya-rupanga-harini. She is the mother of all living entities karani sarva-bhutanam.

She is beyond all material duties karyatita. She is a beautiful young girl kisorini. She has beautiful hair kesa-karika. She is fond of drinking kadambari nectar kadambari-pana-para. She is fragrant with many flowers kusumamoda-dharini. Text kumuda kumudananda krsnesi kama-vallabha tarkali vaijayanti ca nimba-dadima-rupini She is like a kumuda flower kumuda.

She is pleased by the kumuda flowers kumudananda. She is an expert logician tarkali. She is glorious vaijayanti. Her form is like a nimba or a pomegranate tree nimba-dadima-rupini. Text bilva-vrksa-priya krsnam- bara bilvopama-stani bilvatmika bilva-vapur bilva-vrksa-nivasini She is fond of the bilva tree bilva-vrksa-priya. Her breasts are like bilva fruits bilvopama-stani. Her form is like a bilva tree bilvatmika and bilva-vapuh. She stays under a bilva tree bilva-vrksa-nivasini.

Text tulasi-tosika taiti- lananda-paritosika gaja-mukta maha-mukta maha-mukti-phala-prada She pleases tulasi tulasi-tosika. She pleases Taitilananda taitilananda-paritosika. She is decorated with gaja pearls gaja-mukta, maha-mukta, and maha-mukti-phala-prada. Text ananga-mohini sakti- rupa sakti-svarupini panca-sakti-svarupa ca saisavananda-karini She is is charming and passionate ananga-mohini. She is the personification of five transcendental potencies panca-sakti-svarupa.

She is filled with the happiness of youth saisavananda-karini. Text gajendra-gamini syama- latananga-lata tatha yosit-sakti-svarupa ca yosid-ananda-karini She is graceful as an elephant gajendra-gamini. She is a flowering vine of beauty syama-lata and a flowering vine of passionate desires ananga-lata.

She is the personification of feminine power yosit-sakti-svarupa and feminine bliss yosid-ananda-karini. Text prema-priya prema-rupa premananda-tarangini prema-hara prema-datri prema-saktimayi tatha She passionately loves Lord Krsna prema-priya.

She is the form of all transcendental love prema-rupa. She is an ocean filled with waves of transcendental love premananda-tarangini. Эксклюзивная индийская модель соблазняет своих поклонников в чувственном видео. Индийская девушка Маллу предается сольной игре в этом эксклюзивном видео. Пакистанский xxx Большие сиськи Пузырьки Советы жена Рани жесткий трах киски индийский большой член.

Бангладешская горячая девушка раздвигает свои сиськи и трет свою киску. Часть 1 страстной встречи с большой задницей и упругой грудью жены-мусульманки.

Rambha radha rani

Индийская красотка Рани снимается в горячем видео с жестким сексом и хинди ХХХ. Первое порно видео индийской пары в прямом эфире с небрежным минетом. Индийская домашняя жена показывает киску и дрочит муженьку чистое аудио на хинди. Смотрите красивую девушку с большими сиськами в этом эксклюзивном видео. Новобрачная неудовлетворенная жена Рани изменила мужу с трахнутым паки сводным братом.